Green Eco School
Students at OŠ Alojza Gradnika Dobrovo meet regularly every Friday afternoon. So far, quite a lot of work has been done.
In the first weeks, we concentrated on:
- designing our learning path
- voting on the logos designed by the partner school
- coming up with a project title
- learning how to use Genially to create interactive presentations
Our students votes went all to the logo designed by a Polish 8-grader
Lately, we've been working on the topic "How green is my school?". We have been working in several groups of three students or in pairs. Currently, we are still in the planning process and we are waiting for the next meeting to present our ideas to each other.
So far we have:
- brainstormed on the concept "green school"
- assessed how green the school is by listing its strengths and shortcomings
- planned activities to overcome the shortcomings and improve the strengths
Here are some ideas:
- further assess how green the school is by interviewing the management and asking all students from years 4 onwards to complete an online questionnaire
- find ways to reduce the use of photocopied materials at school
- find ways to reduce food waste in the school canteen
- design remind-me signs with catchy phrases for the students to remember to switch off the lights when not needed, use only one paper towel after washing hands etc.
- collect rainwater for the school vegetable garden
- use more fresh produce from the school garden in the students' school diet
- create green corners in the classrooms with air-purifying plants
- set up an adopt-a-plant-for-the summer plan to keep the school plants alive during holidays
- create separate-waste collection points in the classrooms
Idea for remind-me signs as found at
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