Green Eco School

Time passes quickly, several busy meetings are behind us, during which, among other things, we gathe red in one place our ideas for taking actions that are conducive to the environment. During one of our group's meetings, we made an ecological analysis of our school. The beginning of the class was dedicated to designing bags that we will sew from old materials. Then we divided the whole group into three teams, each of them had a specific task to perform. The first team took pictures of ecological activities, the second team conducted an interview, and the third team started creating our blog. Are you curious what we came up with? The first group made us a photo report, which shows that in our school we have bins for waste segregation, a composter, an ecological garden. But it is not everything. Mrs. Małgosia Baszczak (our physics teacher) makes various things with her students from garbage, e.g. pouffes to sit on from plastic bottles, a table to play,...